Month: April 2013

The coolest bar in KL opened tonight… but can you find it?  Ally Meet Early  Benne Agnos London Pride Johnnie Nut Crusta Shawn and Karl The entrance It’s behind this door… do you know where? Okay, so the secret it out…  Th…

Dilmah Tea @ Le Meridien, Kuala Lumpur

Dilmah Tea @ The HUB, Le Meridien Kuala Lumpur What’s really in your teacup?  If you are someone who wants to know that what you consume not only tastes good but is also produced by an ethical company that cares, then look no further! At a recent tea tasting semin…

Planeta Wines at Svago, KLCC, Malaysia

Planeta Wines at Svago Svago Bar, KLCC Svago, KLCC Svago, KLCC Angelo’s Limoncello – not from Planeta, but Angelo’s home made Limoncello is worth making a special request for. Planeta Wines at Svago, KLCC A wine pairing evening with Sicilian …