The Food Revolution, by John Robbins, is another eye opening book that has further driven me down the path of eating more like a herbivore and less like a carnivore. We each have a responsibility to ourselves, our world community and this earth to make informed consumer decisions. One of the biggest impacts we can have on our own health and that of our earth is choosing what goes into our mouths everyday. It is astounding to consider that the majority of people who spend a great deal of their time and income on eating often know more about the latest brand of car, phone or what’s on at the movies than where their food comes from or the impact every bite has on ourselves and the earth around us. John Robbins provides easy to follow, well-written information and shows you how to distinguish food facts from fiction. Everyone living in the 21st century should read this book.
The move to a grain based diet would be catastrophic both for human health and for the environment. Sustainable meat-eating and farming culture is the only way we will survive as a species.
Start here to find out more!
Thanks for posting Joseph. There's no doubt sustainable meat farming is the way to go, but unfortunately the majority of meat on the market does not come from sustainable sources. I'm interested to know where the "catastrophic for human health and environment" comment comes from?
Here's a link showing you what most of our meat goes through to reach our tables. This video shows the inhumane treatment of animals and is enough to make you think twice about dinner. Apart from the poor treatment of animals, however, there are the huge environmental and health costs of over consumption of meat which is more often the rule than the exception in developed countries.
Unfortunately the Farmer Salatins in the world (as highlighted in Joseph's link above) are few and far between and those that are around are having to fight uphill battles with enormous corporations who have money and hence power to influence policy and licensing. Until the industrialization of meat production is reduced and we do indeed eat products from sustainable farms, everybody should take a moment to at least consider, "Where did dinner come from?"