A Tiny Taste of Brancaster Beach

By Kirsten Durward


We don’t eat out much in Brancaster as my niece and her mother have a beautiful home overlooking the Broads and we are all very happy in the garden with local produce picnics or having cooked up a Sunday roast dinner together. But this summer I was treated to something fresh and delicious after a walk on the Broads. The Ship Inn is a brilliant find for anyone passing through or wanting to stay in the area. Simple food, well made, with a Kiwi at the helm. I was impressed all round but gobsmacked at the prices for the English Coast: extremely, extremely reasonable for the quality and ambience. And now I will just let the pictures talk
Pimms – Iconic summer drinking in England
Luscious home made soup
Hard to believe this is the small seafood platter
Generous portions of fresh side dishes
The Ship is part of a small group of hotels called Flying Kiwi Inns. I don’t want for somewhere to stay in this part of the world, but if I did, I would choose The Ship or one of its sister hotels. Family friendly, very comfortable, delicious food, and a great price point in beautiful coastal villages. Don’t look any further if you want a peaceful seaside break in the wilds of Norfolk.


  1. I hope the readers will know that this bleak coastline is not on the Malaysian peninsula!!!
    Especially those from the USA! Geography is not on their radar!
    "Flying Kiwi Inns" – in Norfolk, UK! What on earth is the link?
    NZ – UK ????????????????????????????

    I think I prefer the warmth of the tropics to the chilly winds of the North Sea of the English
    channel – Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr – just looking at the top photo.
    That soup looks like Pea and Ham to me! Just like my grandmothers

    • We're an international bunch and being in the northern hemisphere are all getting reading for the summer which means travel around the world. Hard to believe… but getting out of our tropical 'paradise' is very healthy sometimes. Shall let Kirsten respond to the rest 😉

    • Hello Colin,
      yes, this short post features a corner of England, I believe it does say English Coast in the text. I too am a tropical animal, having lived most of my life on or near the equator. However, I find that a good blow out of fresh air sometimes is wonderful for the senses. Monica, the Yum chief, encourages us to post about places that we've visited, particularly if the food is good. We fondly think it gives our readers a little diversity, and shows that we are genuine about our passions, even when on holiday 🙂 And, personally, I've found that it guarantees a warm welcome should we return another year :). The Soup? Potato and Leek, perhaps I should change that caption! Flying Kiwi Inns? Owned by a Kiwi. Lots of Kiwis and Aussies come to UK on grandparent visas, and work for a couple of years, usually in London and the surrounds. Quite a few find a way to extend and settle. I'm glad this one did, because it really is a lovely little hotel.
      All best to you K

    • Thank you for the reply Kirsten. Much appreciated – all these 'foody' places in
      the World.
      Soup: Yes potato and leek is quite appealing, but I do prefer Pea and Ham – ha ha!

      Yes I know a lot of Aussie young ones travel to the UK on special visas to work – similar visas
      are available here – 457A's I believe. Sure is a good way to experience life in another country and be PAID!!
      One of the young female bar attendants at the Brisbane Sofitel is off to the UK shortly for work and travel experience – I think she has work already arranged at a Sofitel in London.
      This girl, Anna, is from NZ – Dunedin on the South Island.
      Did you know that the university of Dunedin has one of the only courses available in the World for a course in a law-medical degree – has some highly fangled name which I have forgotten, but my nephew has a Masters degree now in this. JK as he is known has just got married in Wellington NZ – this new degree is added to his economics, science and law degrees. Somewhat of a professional student, eh? Thus students from all over the world are at this university studying for this special degree!!!
      As JK was born in Rochester, Minnesota – he has a US, Australian and now a NZ passport.
      According to him, this makes travel far easier????? And can vote in the three countries!!!
      Cheers and many thanks.

  2. Some parts in the UK are really beautiful. I love the south, Devon, sunnier and warmer and Land's End is simply unforgettable. Never been to Norfolk but no problem locating it on a map – I just googled.

    • Hi there, yes like many places, Norfolk can be beautiful. Very flat. Long beaches and broad marshes, good if you like walking and fresh fresh air. It's not easy to get to, so it doesn't get that busy.

  3. Gorgeous first photo, and the small seafood platter looks to be enough for about 3 to 4 people. 🙂

  4. OOO, you have wandered off to England it seems!

  5. Hola, we also want to have a seafood platter like that. Like the groen in combination with the beach.


  6. Wonderful review…gorgeous food. Norfolk is my kind of place…I adore taking long walks on the beach… love secluded places ; ‘)

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