Wine Tasting KL
With the goal of organising a non-sucky wine tasting event in Kuala Lumpur, Alison Christ, wine director of Troika Sky Dining is offering a Blind Tasting Master Class via Zoom. In this video, she explains the concept.
Wine Tasting KL – Master Class via Zoom
Kitty Noble, wine enthusiast and participant in the previous wine tasting KL, offers her insight into the experience below.
They say ‘necessity is the mother of all invention’. And with the current restricted movement order, I am thrilled with the innovation of this blind tasting master class via Zoom.
As a regular attendant of Troika Sky Dining wine dinners, I was delighted that, unable to visit their restaurants, Alison had the insight to bring the wine element to our homes.
With an offering of either three or six nights, wine is delivered to your door. The wine is foil-wrapped to encourage no peeking, to truly get the benefit of a blind-tasting. The bottle is marked with a date and instructions sent via WhatsApp regarding chilling, opening and pouring suggestions.
I ordered the three-night package, but after the first night, I had already upgraded to the six nights as it was such good fun.
Around 20 of us, joined the Zoom meeting where we were guided through the sight, nose and finally taste of the wine. Night one was a white, with nights two and three being reds. Days four to six followed suit. The wines were all selected to create a variety across worlds, colours, grapes and terroirs. Several styles were presented, each appealing to different palates.
For the second set of three, most of the faces were familiar already (and many from the regular wine dinners) with a few disappearing and a few new ones joining. The guests ranged from locals to ex-pats, workers, retirees and everyone in between. Besides that, four of the six nights saw guest appearances from the growers themselves. This was especially appealing as they furnished further insight into the wine and its provenance.
The event, while being online, still had a feeling of exclusivity and intimacy and we’re already looking forward to the next wine tasting KL event in May!
Find more news on the wine scene in Kuala Lumpur and wine tastings in KL here. And, stay up-to-date on the latest happenings in the food and beverage industry in Malaysia here.
Where there is a will, there is a way!
Interesting idea. Cheers Diane