Gin Bar Kuala Lumpur

MariGin, New Gin Bar KL City Centre

Words: Kitty Lang  Photos: Monica Tindall Did you know the phrase ‘Dutch Courage’ originated during the war? Folk from the Netherlands would down a sizeable amount of gin, then run out to war, with a considerable, if not misguided, courage to fight. I’m not sure wh…

SkyBar KL Traders Rooftop Bar

SkyBar KL, Rooftop Bar Traders Kuala Lumpur

Words: Karen Callahan Photos: Rich Callahan KL’s original rooftop bar, SkyBar KL on level 33 of Traders Hotel Kuala Lumpur, maintains one of the premier views and late night party vibes in KL. The pool dramatically occupies the slender two-story space. Yet, more …

Gobo Chit Chat Seafood Buffet

Gobo Chit Chat Seafood Buffet, Traders Hotel KL

Words: Monica Tindall Photos: Rich Callahan I’m going to start with a pretty bold statement: I think Gobo Chit Chat’s seafood buffet is the best in Kuala Lumpur! I know that’s a mighty big call considering the Malaysian love of sea creatures but if you’ve seen the oc…

12 Cocktails of Christmas Troika

12 Cocktails of Christmas, Troika Sky Dining

Words: Maggie Casey Photos: Monica Tindall There is something special about Christmas in the tropics. As a Canadian expat, there always seems to be a part of me that longs for a winter wonderland Christmas but celebrating in Malaysia soon shoos that idea away as he…