Need Your Help!

We need a favour from you fast… to help your dedicated food and lifestyle bloggers win! We’ve entered The Yum List in an Expat writing competition. We need everyone’s comments to help us win. Please follow these simple steps to help us: 1. View o…

Mum’s Rum Ball Recipe

One of my favourite sweet nibbles during the festive season is a rich, decadent Rum Ball. The Yum List’s Mum shares a quick and easy recipe for these delicious treats. Rum Balls These little beauties are a great hit at anytime of the year and your guests will ke…

Plateau Spa, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong

The Courtyard of Plateau Spa, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong Plateau Spa, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong Plateau Spa is on the 11th floor of the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong and, offers a well-crafted, convenient retreat from harried city living. Treatment Room A comprehensive list of f…

Afternoon Tea, Tiffin, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong

  An Afternoon Tea That Goes Above and Beyond Expectations Personal stylist, Ann Krembs of Kremb de la Kremb fame, recently joined forces with The Yum List on a mini-fashion and culinary escapade in Hong Kong. Read about their delicious Afternoon Tea at Tiff…

Best Restaurants, Hotels and Spas in Penang

Penang has long held a reputation for being THE food destination for travelers looking for culinary excitement in Malaysia. Since the awarding of UNESCO World Heritage status to parts of Georgetown a few years back though, the island has experienced a rapid r…

Shang Palace, Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong

Intrigued by Michelin Stars, we couldn’t help but make a reservation at Shang Palace when we stayed at Kowloon Shangri-La recently in Hong Kong. Elaborate décor reflects a sophisticated and tastefully designed interior. Ornate wooden panels are interspersed …

Mum’s Christmas Cake and Pudding Recipe

Christmas is fast approaching and, in the spirit of sharing, The Yum List asked her mum to share some of her favourite recipes with readers. So heres: Mum’s Christmas Cake and Pudding Recipe This recipe mixture can be formed into a pudding, either boiled for …